I have learned....
That being a Mom doesnt mean you have super power....but sometimes you sure do feel like it!
Laundry...dishes...making the bed? They can all wait! How else are you gonna see your baby roll over for the first time?
Love at first sight? It does happen! When they laid this lil baby in my arms at 6:35 PM on June 18th, 2008 I fell in love!
The smile from a 3 month old can MELT your heart!
You never get tired of that smile.
You feel most helpless when he's crying, and you dont know why!
Those little feet that liked to kick me during my pregnancy, dont stop moving. Ever.
I earned these stretch marks.
Sleeping through the night is over-rated.
Waking up to see a smiling baby is the best.
When his little fingers hold onto your finger....your heart stops.
Nothing beats naptime.
The dog loves him too.
I've learned more about God through this lil bitty baby....How could God love us so very much that He sent His son to save us? Knowing He was goin to be rejected?
You CANNOT be too protective.
It's ok to ask for help.
Instant meals are wonderful....so is eating out!
Hearing people say "He looks just like you" makes me smile. Everytime. :)
You cant take too many pics.
You can put too many pics online.
Being a Stay at Home Mom is the hardest job out there.
I love my Mom more for BEING a stay at Home Mom.
My Mom gave me the best advice. Ever. When she said "A Mom knows what's best for HER baby"
I've learned to ignore other advice.
You DO need a swing, exersaucer, playpen, crib, bassinet, floormats, ect ect. Even if he spends most of the day in your arms!
Because of Nehemiah, I've fallen more in love with Alexander!