Monday, November 23, 2009


I had a family member telling me I needed to change the title of my blog. Soooo...I did. And I changed my pic, and the template. How exciting hmmm???


  1. smart fam. member, I tell you!

  2. Yeah...I'm going over to see that family member soon too

  3. You are not alone in making the mistake of naming your blog, website, or creating an email address which includes the name of a first child but then inevitably becomes a problem when the second child arrives.

    In my case, I eventually changed my blog's name from Trooper's Weblog to Trooper Plus Two when it was obvious it wasn't just about me anymore. =) Ooops, maybe you've all seen something. Looks like I'm going to have to change the blog, again. Trooper Plus Three? The Family VonTroop? Whatever I choose next time, it will be even less specific.

    If I may suggest to anyone in this situation or soon to be: try including the whole family. I see too many blogs that seem to be about the Mom and kids only. Get the Dad's involved!

  4. why do you think my Mom is that person?! *grin*

    Andrew, maybe you should start a poll on what to rename your blog. Your family is very creative! :) I suggest, "Trooper Times" Ok, not a good suggestion. LOL

  5. the thing is... next year she will have to add the next childs name!!hey Al, do you feel left out??? HA

  6. No way. 2 is good.

    Alex is too busy working to get online
